Huracan Pty Ltd Huracan Pty Ltd Huracan Pty Ltd Huracan Pty Ltd Huracan Pty Ltd Huracan Pty Ltd

eGyroExpress – Continuous North Seeking Gyro Survey

The eGyroEpress – Continuous North Seeking Gyro instrument is an accurate and reliable downhole directional survey and orientation tool. Comprising of the latest technology, the system uses gyro compassing method to find borehole azimuth.

This tool combines a North Seeking gyro compass with a continuous gyro survey.  With logging speeds of up to 150 m/min between QC shots this tool reduces logging time for a more efficient survey time.  Unlike other downhole survey or magnetic tools, the eGyroExpress is not affected by magnetic interference. It can be run inside casing, tubing, drill pipe and magnetically disturbed ground.

This 1.70″ (43.2 mm) diameter tool can be run in a variety of applications from shallow borehole to deep borehole surveying, single shot/multi shot, slim hole casing, orientation, whip stock kick-off and downhole motor orientation.

Some of the benefits of Huracan’s gyro service.

Contact us today for availability and pricing.

  Continuous North Seeking Gyro PDF

